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CX as a Service

Customer Experience as a Service, ou CXAAS. With the concept of offering excellence centered on the final consumer, Infracommerce has become one of the largest companies in Brazilian e-commerce, with more than 350 active customers, including multinationals such as: Dior, Cartier. J&J, Coca-Cola, Nike and Ambev. Here, we tell the grandiosity of infracommerce operations, from the customers perspective, who delight the final consumer.
month-to-month growth in digital
4.1 Million
impacts monthly
engagement actions

Get to know the project

Infracommerce is a giant Brazilian technology with an extensive digital and logistics ecosystem in Brazil and South America.

Among its clients, global companies such as Nike, J&J, Ajinomoto, Mondelez, Cartier, Dior, Coca-Cola, Alpargatas, Ambev and many others. Our work with Infra is to tell the success stories, as well as the figures and grandeur of the company’s business from the customers perspective, who delight the end consumer.

When the company opens up to the market, in one of the big IPO’s of 2021, B-Young becomes a strategic partner, bringing this successful storytelling to the public and helping the business expansion, at the same time that it is educating the market on best practices in the technology and digital retail field.

Estratégia de Conteúdo| Estratégia de Mídias Sociais| Instagram Marketing| Linkedin Marketing| mídia de performance| Youtube Marketing
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Building the future with Etex

ETEX is a Belgian-based company that operates in Brazil with renowned brands such as Gypsum, Promat, Superboard and Armstrong + Gypsum.

Content is King!

Tuesday, 12 de November de 2024

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