After a magical season in 2017/2018 and a championship won in anticipation, ManCity decided to celebrate in high style.
With a global campaign called #TheBeautifulGame , which alluded to the beautiful soccer played this season, the team celebrated with fans and influencers around the world. As a secondary objective, the idea was to expand borders, passions and fans around the world, since most of the cast is international.
Here in Brazil, we invited influencers from all niches, also showing that the beautiful shirt can go beyond the sports scene and mix with art, music and fashion. The campaign, which involved 80 influencers, was more than successful, reaching more than 15 million people and generating 7 million views on YouTube.
O Trade Marketing surgiu para apoiar o marketing nas atividades de vendas. No Brasil, grandes empresas adotaram essa metodologia nos anos 90, em resposta à crise inflacionária. Hoje, o Trade é essencial para marcas que buscam se consolidar em um mercado competitivo. Segundo Marcelo Ermini, professor e especialista em Trade...
Celebrado em 31 de outubro, o Halloween é uma das festividades mais populares nos Estados Unidos. No entanto, essa comemoração vem ganhando força ao redor do mundo, inclusive no Brasil, onde marcas estão começando a enxergar o potencial dessa data para engajar o público e impulsionar vendas. De acordo com...
Você está usando os tipos errados de vídeo nos vários estágios da jornada do seu cliente? Quer saber como melhorar? Neste artigo, exploraremos o desenvolvimento de uma estratégia de conteúdo de vídeo. A importância de ter uma estratégia de marketing de conteúdo em vídeo Como um profissional de marketing no...
B-Young is a social media agency from São Paulo, founded in 2010 and which operates extensively in the digital communication sector for large brands and corporations, delivering quality content and strategies to its customers. As a digital marketing agency, it provides all the services that make up the digital communication mix, as well as: managing facebook ads, google adwords and other performance media; strategic management of content and social networks; creation of digital marketing campaigns and online product activation; development of websites, hotsites and applications; influencer marketing; data measurement and SAC 2.0. We are like this, a full service sp digital media agency. In 8 years of experience in the market as a digital marketing agency sp, he has carried out projects and cases of great projection for brands such as AES Eletropaulo, British Teleocom, Sony Pictures, Fox, Sanrio, Iconix Group, Eone Entertainment. We are experts in understanding our clients' business and transforming this data into digital strategies for connecting and relating to consumers, in order to generate real results. Let's talk about your digital marketing strategy?