

Paid Media and Social Ads Management.

A well-executed paid media strategy is just as important as a content strategy that engages the audience. With this in mind, our Media and Metrics team uses all available social media data and data intelligence tools to ensure that your content is delivered to the right people.


It all starts with planning channels integrated into the content plan, the objectives of each piece, positioning and budget per channel.


The next step is to connect the persona created during the content plan with the equivalent media target.

A/B testing

Here, we test variations in audience, positioning and pieces, always looking at the end goal.


With everything running, it's time to analyze the KPMs, CPCs and other performance KPIs to redistribute the budget and get the best results.


Results are not the end of the funnel. Here we analyze the end of a cycle, the lessons learned becoming new campaigns for continuous performance.

Far beyond content and engagement, our performance media specialists generate leads, growth and, above all, results.

Social Ads and Paid Media Cases

These are just a few examples of how our dedicated teams have made a difference to our clients.

Power to the pen

The Pilot Pen is colorful, fun and loved by students, teachers, studygrammers and pen freaks in general. Our strategy is to empower and give visibility to these aficionados, visual arts professionals and lovers of writing through collaborative content.

The #1 skincare brand in Japan

Bioré is a beauty brand present in more than 60 countries; it comes from Japan, where it is the number one in sun protection, make-up remover and facial cleansing. In the Brazilian operation, we are responsible for all digital marketing and content, bringing the company's storytelling - The joy of natural skin - to its consumers.

History made every day

The History Channel is an audience phenomenon that brings the past and the present together as history happens. Our mission on social media is to connect historical facts with trends, conversations and digital issues in real time, while at the same time monetizing content on the main video platforms.

Digital Dentistry Latin America

The Digital Dentistry project began as a response to the pandemic scenario, faced with the challenge of maintaining relationships and sales in Latin America. A successful digital strategy that generated over 7,000 leads and 13 million dollars in revenue in 12 months.

Content is King!

Read more about paid advertising management and strategy

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Come join our team

Shall we talk about your account?

Here, much more than an agency, you will have a social media team of your own. Let's discuss the ideal structure for your brand to take off in digital?