O TikTok cresceu muito nos últimos anos e se tornou a rede social símbolo da geração Z. Diante desse cenário, é natural que as marcas queiram participar e estar presentes em mais essa rede social. Em 2020, Millennials inundaram o app e, no final de 2021, já era esperado uma...
Se você quer atrair novos clientes, atingir melhor seus contatos e aumentar as vendas através de e-mails marketing, a solução é usar estratégias para otimizá-los. Por isso, separamos 6 dicas para você obter as melhores taxas de entrega e engajamento com seu e-mail. Confira no post. A primeira forma de...
B-Young is a social media agency from São Paulo, founded in 2010 and which operates extensively in the digital communication sector for large brands and corporations, delivering quality content and strategies to its customers. As a digital marketing agency, it provides all the services that make up the digital communication mix, as well as: managing facebook ads, google adwords and other performance media; strategic management of content and social networks; creation of digital marketing campaigns and online product activation; development of websites, hotsites and applications; influencer marketing; data measurement and SAC 2.0. We are like this, a full service sp digital media agency. In 8 years of experience in the market as a digital marketing agency sp, he has carried out projects and cases of great projection for brands such as AES Eletropaulo, British Teleocom, Sony Pictures, Fox, Sanrio, Iconix Group, Eone Entertainment. We are experts in understanding our clients' business and transforming this data into digital strategies for connecting and relating to consumers, in order to generate real results. Let's talk about your digital marketing strategy?